About Me

Name: Crozemarie Jean-Pierre

Profession: Technical Data Translator

I am married with three children, balancing my professional and personal life carefully. Over the last 20 years at Farnell/Avnet, my career path has evolved from Technical Support Assistant to Product Manager in the Marketing Department, achieving in my current role as Technical Data Translator within the Global Data team. In the same time, my passion for technology, particularly smart home, and connected devices has opened me various horizons. As co-manager of Univers-Domotique, founder of my own company specializing in IoT, and trainer at the IUT of Lyon 1, I was able to explore very varied fields but always linked to technology.

Outside work, my interests include sports and DIY, activities which contribute to my personal development. Cycling allows me to maintain discipline and determination, while DIY expresses my creativity and my ability to solve problems in a practical way. My profile also stands out for my self-taught approach and my curiosity. Hands-on everything, I have constantly expanded my skills independently, thus facilitating my adaptation to various fields.

Alongside my professional commitment, I devoted ten years of my life to the Gens-Foirés association (of which I was vice-president for a few years). We have carried out numerous charitable projects, in particular musical shows which allowed us to collect and donate more than 17,000 euros in donations and various products. My career reflects not only my professional versatility but also my dynamic personality resolutely focused on progress and innovation.